Specializing in Used Truck Tires, Wheels, and Casings!
When it comes to high quality used truck tires, wheels, and casings, Elite Tire International, Inc. meets and exceeds customer demands. Our 40 plus years of experience assures you top-notch service at the most competitive rates available today.
317 South Dauphin St.
Allentown, PA  18109
Phone # :  610 - 439 - 6380
Fax # :  610 - 439 - 6381
Email: sales@elitetire.com

Mon. - Fri. 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Sat. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Elite Tire International,  Inc. 
Specializing in Used Truck Tires, Wheels, and Casings
Ask for Ira Feitelson
for all your Tire needs.